There is a new fashion mall that opened across the street from our hotel, and though most of the stores are still under construction, they've got the coolest displays out in front. The first person we thought of as we drove by was Cole! So we took some photos to share with everyone, but especially for Cole. Some of them are over 7 feet tall, others are not over 3 feet. Check 'em out...
After checking out the Transformers, we went to a very nice park adjacent to the hotel. It was hot and muggy today, so we were only out for about an hour, but it was still nice to see a pretty park.
On our way, we were walking in the midst of a big crowd on the sidewalk, I was in front of Jenn and Henry, and a girl a few people ahead of me turned her head and noticed that we were Westerners holding a Chinese child. It was as if a sea had parted, as the crowd of girls and ladies in front stopped walking, stepped aside, and allowed me to pass them so they could see Jenn and Henry. Kind of funny.
Henry helped me dry some laundry this afternoon.
Henry is in a hair-pulling phase, and it's driving Jenn crazy. And there is almost no such thing as discipline on an adoption trip. When Jenn looks him in the eye and gives him a stern, "NO!" he just smiles at her. A preview of what's to come... we'll see.
We've enjoyed a steady stream of reports from Cuyahoga Falls keeping us updated on Lincoln and Lydia. They're sleeping longer than usual, and hopefully that will continue. Also, it is our understanding that Lincoln is telling everyone who will listen why when it is daytime at home it must be nighttime in China because the sun can't shine on both sides of the world at the same time. We'd expect nothing less of him! And Lydia is still getting stares and compliments on her beautiful eyes, and is no less of a chatterbox. We're unmeasurably grateful for each of our parents for caring for them in our absence. We're not sure how Henry would be part of our family without good family at home to care for L&L.
And Grandma Gates is back in NE Ohio after wintering in Charlotte, and just in time to catch Ella through town, and to spend some bonus time with L&L, and to see Henry soon after our arrival. We're looking forward to seeing her again.
On our final evening in China, we enjoyed a Chinese dinner with three of our friends, the families from Minnesota, Kansas and Illinois. As I mentioned in my previous post, we've all got a neat connection now, and because we're all bloggers, it'll be neat to watch each of our Asian Additions grow up. They all left kids at home, as well, and we're all itching to see our other kids soon.
1 comment:
Cole loves the pictures! He said they are awesome. :) thanks for thinking of him. We are praying for your safe travels home. We are about to hit the road to head up there too. Cant wait to see you guys!
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