In order to give Lincoln something to do and simultaneously wear Gretel out, the three of us went on a hike on the Ledges Trail at Virginia Kendall Park. Lincoln was awesome, and because we were there so early, Gretel got to spend a good part of the walk off leash. She's getting to be a pretty good dog on walks for me.
I spent yesterday at a TTA course at Ohio State. That was a blast from the past: sitting in a lecture room for 6 hours and then cutting on a dead dog for another 2 hours. What's a TTA, you ask? It stands for Tibial Tuberosity Advancement, and it's a relatively new procedure for the correction of stifle instability due to injury to the cranial cruciate ligament (laymens: ACL rupture). I'd heard of the procedure, but I'd never seen it performed. After observing the lectures, seeing the videos, and peforming the procedure myself, I'm a believer. And the neat thing about TTAs is that dogs walk on their operated legs within days (if not hours). That's a major improvement over previous procedures!
The excitement today is that Chris and Val are coming over for dinner this evening. Dinner with the Mahovlics is always a fun time.
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