It's been a big week for us here at the Gates Home. If you're connected with us much at all, you've probably now heard that we're expecting a little girl in October. While we've not yet chosen a name, we will be choosing and announcing one soon, as we want everyone, especially Lincoln, to refer to her by name. Stay tuned.
Then on Friday, Jenn, Grandma Paulette & Lincoln went to the Boston Mills Depot of the Cuyahoga Valley Railroad line for a day with... wait for it... THOMAS THE TRAIN!!! What a day!
The view from the train is very pretty through the National Park.
Another fun thing lately has been Lincoln's new Pirate Ship Sandbox that Grandma Laura and Grandpa Dave gave him for his birthday. I haven't yet put the sand in it, but he's having fun with in anyway!
Dad and I have been busy at work lately, the weather's been nice, so we've been busy outside with work & play, Gretel's growing up and starting to be less naughty... we've just got a lot going on!
Sweet!! I knew he was going to love Thomas cute!
I notice Lincoln wearing a hat. . . has he gotten over his aversion to hats??
And a tattoo! My my . . . Lincoln is growing up so fast!
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