Thursday, March 26, 2009

Back Home

Jenn and Lincoln arrived back home yesterday and it was great to see them again! Lincoln is bigger now than when he left, and he's rolling over like a log, sitting up on his own, and definitely getting particular when it comes to what he wants now. Jenn was a great mom during the trip because with the travel and the time change, Lincoln's routine was way out of whack, and he required stimulation most of the time. Not-so-funny part of the trip: the kids that sat behind Jenn and Lincoln on the trip out (with the mother that talked rudely to her mother/the kid's grandmother) had the row behind Jenn and Lincoln for the return trip. Jenn couldn't believe it. But once again, it made Lincoln look like a little angel!

Lincoln made another trip to the Phoenix Zoo.

Grandma Paulette, Grandpa Doug and Auntie Em came over in the early part of the evening for a brief Birthday party for Jenn. We had a great take-out dinner from Pad Thai. The Grandparents gave Jenn a cake-decorating kit, which will be awesome for Lincoln's birthdays. And the Hopwood family gave her a giant Cook's Illustrated cookbook (with >1,000 recipes). It's the kind of book that is more than recipes... more like food science. So Jenn started working through it last evening in anticipation of Chris and Val coming over for a good dinner this Saturday.

Lincoln loved the pool.

And Lincoln loved the hikes.

Funny story about the playground. Laura took Lincoln to a small playground in their neighborhood and he really seemed to enjoy it. Then on the following day when Jenn had him out for a walk, they went past the playground, but when Lincoln realized that they were going to stop, he pointed at the playground and started crying. I know, I know, not so funny, but 2 weeks ago he wouldn't have done that.

Maybe Lincoln will show better musical ability than his parents!

Jenn's last birthday present was a Wii, so you know where to find us after work... playing tennis and bowling in our TV room!

One last thing, check out this Pro Life website and look for them on facebook, too.

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