Linocln has been a chatter-box motor-mouth. He's learning more new words on a daily basis. He now pointing out every flag on Hudson Drive. Over the weekend we took him to one of the Hudson Elementary School playgrounds, and while he's still not entirely sure about the playground-thing, he loves to throw the mulch. We then took him on a walk where he actually had to walk... it was at a pretty slow pace, but he had a great time!
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. My 31st was a fun day. The three of us went out to
lunch at
Vue with mom and dad (Grandma Paulette & Grandpa Doug) and Grandma Gates. While I had a
great grouper sandwich, and we all enjoyed our meals, Lincoln out-ate all of us. Then we went back to their place for some
Handel's Banana Cream Pie ice cream. Grandma Gates gave me a bunch of candy, which is
always okay with me! I'm grateful to my parents for giving me a
Smith & Wesson .40 cal M&P along with a CCW course. I need to learn to shoot it well before I take the class, but I do intend to exercise my
Second Amendment right. Does that make me a right-wing extremist? Actually, I think it makes me an American.
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