Thursday, January 20, 2011


Things have been quite busy at the Gates Home. On Jenn's agenda has been her expanding role with BeautiControl. Things are gaining steam, and you know how Jenn doesn't do anything other than first-class and 100%. As for me, ABF has me busy. We had a leaders' meeting last Saturday evening, and things couldn't have gone better. I really enjoy working with the folks who have volunteered along with us. We're trying to get a series of guest-speakers lined up for March, and it's my job to contact them and coordinate the schedule. Also, I've been developing the upcoming Life Answers ABF Men's Retreat, and that has consumed my mind as I develop content then edit and adjust it. God has been answering my prayers for guidance in this area in very big ways, and that's exciting, but it still takes up a lot of time.
On Wednesday, Lincoln and I went with Grandpa Doug to the Cleveland Boat Show up at the IX Center. There were some nice boats, and Lincoln had a great time.

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