Happy Lincoln

Lincoln's been very interested in the dogs recently. He loves to sit on Jenn's lap, especially in the morning, and watch the dogs come and go. Bridget licks him every now and then, and Betty's whisker's tickle his face sometimes. He doesn't complain at all. He's also been quite happy in his Bumbo. Now that he can control his head with greater ease, he's able to sit up and look around.

An cool thing happened the other day. Mom had my garage door opener, so I had to enter through the front door when I arrived home for lunch. Just as I got to the door, on the large spider web that's in front of one of the windows of the TV room, was an entangled wasp with the spider ready to pounce. It couldn't, though, because every time the spider came close the wasp would flex his "waist" and show his stinger. This lasted for a couple of minutes, and I ran to get my camera. The picture below is pretty representative. I got other pictures with the stinger out and pointed at the spider, etc., etc.

For a very brief moment, I felt like an amateur version of the photographers of the Planet Earth series. I've mentioned it before, but I don't think I can say it too often: it is the coolest DVD series I've ever seen. Jenn and I have almost made it through all of the episodes, but we're by no means done watching it. There are animals and symbiotic processes featured that Jenn and I were completely unaware of. At times we just looked at each other and said, "Holy cow!" Truthfully, I'm not sure how anyone can watch this series and not, at the very least, believe in Intelligent Design. Micro-Evolution is clearly on display in the series, but to be fair, there is little to no mention of Macro-Evolution, nor are there obnoxious political messages. (Trust me, I was combing the episodes for them.) Well, that's enough of my commercial for Planet Earth.
For those into politics, check out this piece at the American Thinker. It's pretty compelling.
Lincoln is asleep now, Jenn is reading on the couch, and things are pretty relaxing at the Gates Home.
Lincoln is too cute! Let's see, he's 4 months now...have you tried rice cereal yet? Just wondering how that went.
Glad all is well. Oh, and crazy shot of the wasp/spider!
Hey Angela,
He's 20 weeks today, 9/18. I just made some applesauce and acorn squash for him yesterday and froze it. We haven't tried the cereal yet. I bought some, but I've been trying to wait until he's 6 months. We'll see if he wants to wait that long. He's doing well nursing, so he may be able to go another 4-5 weeks before we start.
I'm looking forward to the mess:)
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