Lincoln's learning what those hands and fingers are for!
Jenn had her CT yesterday to look for remaining kidney stones [as an aside, she was told the results of the CT would be available in 1 week... if we told our patients we'd have easily-obtainable test results in 1 week, we'd be out of a job in a hurry, but I digress...], and because they had to give her an IV contrast, she couldn't feed Lincoln for 24 hours. She'd been saving for a while for him, so it wasn't a problem as far as milk went, just as far as the method of feeding. Keep in mind that he's taken bottles very well in the past, but never more than 1 at a time. This time he had to take about 8 in a row. He took his consecutive bottles with ease, though we found that it was best for me (Ryan) to give him the bottles rather than Jenn because he seemed a bit confused sitting in her lap with a bottle. This also meant that I had the pleasure of the overnight feedings.
We've reported previously that there have been nights that Lincoln has slept 6 hours in a row. Last night showed us something helpful, though. Because we were able to actually measure how much he ate at feedings, we were able to learn that he was very hungry at his overnight feeding, and this is why he was waking up. He chugged his overnight feeding like it was the last drop of milk in Summit County. So we'll see how things shake out with night-times as Jenn approaches going back to work.
Lincoln is going to his first concert tomorrow evening: The Cleveland Orchestra's "American Salute" at Blossom Music Center. Uncle Jeremy, Auntie Em, Grace & Cole are coming along, too, with us and Grandma Paulette & Grandpa Doug. We've been talking about Sousa and Tchaikovsky, America and patriotism, marches and loud canon fire. Lincoln's face is usually expressionless as we discuss these important subjects, or sometimes he smiles or cries, so it's hard to say how he feels about it at this point. Rest assured, though, that Lincoln will be raised in the patriotic spirit of his Great-Grandpap Donati and whether he likes it or not, he'll be intimately familiar with John Philip Sousa marches!
Boston Pops: Stars & Stripes Forever
Berliner Philharmoniker: 1812 Overture
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