It's been a while since I've posted, so here's the latest:
Currently, he's on his first trip to the pool. Jenn was meeting a friend at LCP, so we'll see how Lincoln does sitting outside for a time. Of course, since he can't be in the sun too much, he still looks liked a bleached little baby!
Updating a previous post, Lincoln was an All-Star during his stay at Camp Lincoln. Sali was a wonderful head counselor and she reported that Lincoln was a good little boy. After both days, I had to wake him up from his nap to take him home, and he was in a pleasant mood for a good amount of time following. He even stayed awake long enough to make a trip to see Aunt MarySue & Great Grandma Gates! What a happy day!
Lincoln is continuing to grow. He's filling up his car seat and stretching to the end of his activity mat. After making progress in the "sleeping at night" department from weeks 7 thru 10, he's been getting up twice overnight for the past week, often with lots of gas. He has made some strides in the "napping" department during the day, though. On a couple of occasions, Jenn has been able to get him to nap in his crib. This is a big step because previously he would only fall asleep in the swing or at times while being held. Baby steps.
Jenn is enjoying being a stay-at-home mom for most of the week. She recently updated her work schedule so that she now works every Monday & Tuesday and every other Saturday. The change is that she dropped the every other Wednesday rotation. This fixes our need for a baby sitter on some Wednesdays, and it gives her more time with Lincoln.
He really has been a joy to be around lately. The underlying reason for his difficulty falling asleep (always alert and easily over-stimulated) is one of the things that makes him so much fun to be around. He's so interactive, and you can usually count on him chatting with you or at least playing a fun game of "make the baby smile."
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