Friday, June 6, 2008

Routine & Family Time

Things are going well at the Gates home.  Lincoln is starting to get into a routine, and this is wonderful news for Jenn.  His naps are coming easier, his meals are remaining frequent (he's growing noticeably) and his wake-times are much more pleasant.  It's been several days since a long-term scream-fest.  I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again, thank you for your prayers for Lincoln.  I know the Hopwoods and others are praying daily for him, and I can tell you that from a rest and growing standpoint, the LORD is answering your prayers.

Lincoln's also getting "grabby" while he's figuring what those two hands are all about.  He doesn't yet know where his hands are, and he whacks himself in the face on a routine basis, often during naps if he's not swaddled.  It's pretty funny to watch.

Lincoln definitely likes to visit Grandma & Grandpa's (Great Grandma gets to enjoy him, too) and he always seems to be on his best behavior there.  On Tuesday evening Jenn and I want to see Indiana Jones while Lincoln went to his Grandparent's home and he reportedly was a good baby and drank his bottle to the last drop and then was content for the rest of the evening.  We like that!

We're eager to see the Hopwoods soon and spend time with them over the coming week.  Lincoln loves his Auntie Em and Jeremy, Grace & Cole will get to meet him for the first time.  It's also only a few short weeks until the Parkinson West family comes.  I know Grandfather Dave & Haley will enjoy meeting Lincoln.

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