Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

First of all, but second in importance, thanks to everyone who has mentioned "Happy Father's Day" to me.  Secondly, and of first importance, a big, appreciative "Happy Father's Day" to Dad ("Grandpa Doug" on this blog... Lincoln's dad has a good role model.) and to Dave ("Grandfather Dave" until we're informed otherwise).  

It's Father's Day, and while I don't have any new pictures to share with you today, I can report that Lincoln is growing and learning like a good little boy.  He's becoming a boy of routine.  He's also figuring out that his feet can play the music on his bouncy seat (thanks Kristen & Zach!).  It takes an intelligent boy to figure that out so young!!!  Of course, he also still tries to gouge out his eye, but we're working on that.  He's starting to show some personality beyond an eating, pooping and occasionally-sleeping baby boy.  Sometimes he's especially chatty, and that makes us both laugh.

Jenn has been an all-star, fabulous mom.  She's really worked with Lincoln to encourage a schedule, and she's keeping the house running wonderfully.

We really appreciate hearing from you.  Many have sent us notes and cards, others have called, and still others have brought meals for us.  Thank you so much.  And to all the dads, "Happy Father's Day!"


Jeanine :) said...

Happy First Father's Day Ryan! Congratulations!

Angela said...

So glad things are settling down. Evan and I are looking at dates to come visit you. Are you available this weekend Saturday? Just a thought.