Following a not-so-slight coffee accident, we're without a computer for the week. At this time, it looks like only the keyboard needs replaced, and not the entire computer. We're due to get it back in a couple of days.
Lincoln is doing great. He's beginning to recognize us, which is pretty funny. He still has his moments (we anticipate "moments" in one form or another for a long time), but he's starting to become funny. Jenn especially likes when he chats back to her when she's talking with him. He's using the activity mat that we've referenced previously to practice using his hands. At first he would be able to hit the little toy that plays the music on accident/chance. Now he's able to steady his hand and have much more control. He still hasn't figured out what his fingers are for except for sucking on them after he whacks himself in the face.
This is a big week at the Gates home. Jenn has her CT on Tuesday to evaluate her kidney stones. This means that Lincoln will be on the bottle for about 36 hours. Then on Thursday we're going to Blossom for the 4th of July Special. We'll see how that goes. Friday is our trip to Columbus to visit with the Parkinson family and bring back Grandma Laura, Grandfather Dave & Aunt Haley for their visit.
Remember Jenn in prayer with regard to her doctor's visits, our travels with family this week, and, as always, for Lincoln as he grows up.