Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jenn's visit to the nurse yesterday went well.  All signs of Lincoln's and Jenn's health look good.  Lincoln is still VERY active and with one exception he cooperated well with the tests.  (The one exception was when the nurse was trying to pinpoint his heart-rate with the doppler monitor he kept wriggling back and forth from side to side.  A good problem to have.)

The plan is that if things haven't been set in motion by Thursday afternoon, we'll go to the hospital at 5:00pm.  (This may set our informal chain-calling in motion... Stay tuned.)  Jenn will then be induced on Friday, if necessary.

On another note, Jenn made a new dish yesterday called "Pork Buns."  It's a pork tenderloin dumpling recipe and it was GREAT.  We then went on a slight tangent with the name of the recipe, but it's not necessary to give all of the details here.  Needless to say, though, Jenn and Laura have been recipe and cooking maniacs over the last couple of weeks.

Go CAVS!!!

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