Thursday, February 20, 2014

Back Into The Routine

I want to take this occasion to publicly acknowledge Grandma Laura and thank her here on these pages for taking such good care of the kids for the week Jenn and I were away. Jenn and I value our vacation time together, and none of it would be possible without our parents taking on the kids, and this past vacation Grandma Laura took the whole week with them. We appreciate her so much.

It took the kids about a week to get back into the routine of having us home. Lots of getting up in the middle of the night, clinging, some touchy attitudes. They're back on track now.

As it turned out, Grandpa Doug & Grandma Paulette were on their vacation the week after ours, so Dad ran solo for a week, then I ran solo for a week. As is usual, stuff happens during one-doctor weeks that doesn't happen at other times. I had at least 6 walk-ins, and we usually don't have 2 in a month. We both got through it, but it confirmed that we're a 2 doctor practice, and running with 1 for very long gets a little crazy.

Jenn built a gorgeous cake for a friend's baby shower themed after "On The Night You Were Born" books. This was her first attempt with her new airbrush, and she killed it.
Adams Shower
Adams Shower
Adams Shower
Lincoln came to the Clinic with me today, and boy does he love the calculator.
At a playdate the other day, our friend Courtney of LoveBug took some photos of Lydia as she was playing on one of her props. What do you think?
I received an e-mail from a reader who'd recently adopted a little one from Henry's orphanage and she informed me that a Facebook group has sprung up of families with children from Zhoukou. Holy cow! I've had fun visiting the page and seeing how other families are doing.

This weekend the kids will be with Grandma Paulette & Grandpa Doug as Jenn and I take off to Columbus for the Midwest Veterinary Conference. I'll be meeting my first applicant. Weird. Proof that time keeps ticking.

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