Monday, May 19, 2008

Colicky Baby

If you know anything about Jenn, you know that she's a thorough, intelligent person.  She's been doing lots of reading and research lately.  The books that have been recommended by many of you have come in handy.  As a result of this reading and research, we've come to the conclusion that Lincoln meets all of the criteria to be defined as a colicky baby.  

Don't misunderstand, we thank God daily that he's given us a healthy baby boy.  We can all think of examples of babies born with physical, mental and developmental disabilities and limitations.  That was definitely a concern of ours prior to Lincoln's birth, and while I don't necessarily believe it was an "answer to prayer" that he was born without these complications (does God "afflict" those born with complications?), we feel blessed to have been given Lincoln Glenn.  But being armed with this thanksgiving as well as the knowledge that most colicky babies improve by three months of age does not make life easier for us (mostly Jenn since she's with Lincoln all day) on a moment by moment basis.  The uncontrolled screaming, the inability to calm him, the near-complete lack of sleep and napping... it's very emotionally draining, bordering on depressing.  I try to do what I can to help out.  Lincoln likes car rides so I take him for rides when I can, but there's only so much I can do to give Jenn relief.  Please pray and ask the LORD to provide Lincoln with sleep and Jenn with physical and emotional rest.


Luk and Holly said...

We are feeling for you and Jenn as the time of exhaustion is not far in the future for us as well. We pray that his colicyness wears off miraculously before 3 months is out. It is good to be in touch this way. Keep up the good writing. When you make it over this way you will have premium accomodations and tour guides in Ghent, including all the childrens books, and toys a person visiting Belgium could ever want.

Angela said...

that's too bad. i hope it resolves itself soon. if i had to guess, i'd think it's the lack of sleep. i'm sure you're trying everything to get him to sleep. i had a friend that resorted to sleeping with her son in the bathroom because he needed the white noise sound of the bathroom fan. i'm sure your nerves are all but shattered with the constant screaming. hang in there, this too shall pass. i'd also maybe give gas drops a whirl to see if that helps at all. we'll be praying for you guys!

jmuller said...

Sorry to hear about Lincoln's crying sessions. I echo what Luk has said, hopefully his colicy tendencies will go away sooner than later!
We think of you guys often!