This was a monster weekend as far as getting some things done around the house is concerned. Mom & Dad helped turn the guest room into the nicest room in the house. The wallpaper is off of the bathroom walls (Haaaaaaal-lehhhhhhhhhhhh-luuuu-jaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!), and the walls will be ready to paint very shortly. I pretty much feel the same about wallpaper as I do about minivans. I hope that doesn't offend any of our readers.
Lincoln's room is almost complete... just wall decorations to go. Jenn's feeling "okay." (She's sitting beside me and when I asked her how she's feeling, she said, "Okay.")
Jenn and I are preparing for our upcoming lesson with our small group. We're going through David Goetz's book, Death By Suburb, and we're actually really excited about it. The book pretty much indicts any Christian reader who lives a normal, American, suburban life, and I anticipate that it will be challenging for our group. But it's a good challenge. I'll be leading each meeting, and sometimes we'll split the husbands from the wives and Jenn will lead the ladies. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Any readers who have led small groups, please let me know what type of material has worked well for your group... I'm always looking for good stuff.
As far as the blog goes, feel free to leave comments. We'd like to hear from our readers!