Saturday, June 4, 2011

Container Gardening & Car Wash

It was a beautiful weekend, and after Jenn and I caught up on our rest, we enjoyed the outdoors and got some planting done. I haven't done much planting, and absolutely no gardening, since we moved from Hudson. The Norton Road house had a great spot for a garden, and I miss that aspect of the place. So Jenn and I decided to dress up the front of the house with some planters (full scale landscaping is coming soon!) and we also planted some herbs, peppers and tomotoes in containers on the deck. I'm not optimistic we'll get a big crop, but we'll keep you posted.
Lincoln wanted to help with the planting, so I gave him a shot at getting dirty. He wasn't short-changed. He was also a crack-up with the hose, even getting a bit curious to see where the water came from. Yes, he shot himself in the face once.

He's becoming obsessive about playing with the hose. Today I gave him an outlet by getting in our swim trunks and washing Jenn's car. It needed done: both water play time for Lincoln and Jenn's car wash.
It's been a warm day outside, but it's been breezy inside, and the dogs have enjoyed a lazy day.

We'll close off this post with some more photos of the kids.

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