It seems as though we're on the once-per-week update plan right now. We realize that this may not be the pace that our out-of-towners would like, and we'll try to keep the updates coming more frequently.
The newest phase of Lincoln's life is now learning to sleep without aids and props. While swinging was necessary to calm the little colicky baby, he's growing up and he needs to learn to sleep on his own. (We can't take a swing on the plane to Phoenix!) This has been a point in time that we've dreaded. Especially Jenn, who has the pleasure of staying with Lincoln for most of the week. It's a double-edged sword now, though, because she gets to listen to the crying and screaming now, too.
Forgive us for expecting the worst, though. After the first couple weeks of his life we know what Lincoln's capable of. We've been praying for the LORD to intervene and exceed our expectations when it comes to this next process. Signs of improvement have been seen: while he's still waking up a couple of times at night, he no longer needs to be fed, nor does he need to be rocked. A well-placed pacifier and he's asleep in less than a minute or two. (This, too, will need to be phased out, but baby-steps, right?)
One of the challenges that we've dealt with, more so during Lincoln's first few weeks, but certainly at other times as well, is unmet expectations. During the pregnancy, some books and advice were given that have proven to be very helpful. Other books were suggested and advice offered, however, that set standards and expectations that Lincoln specifically could simply not live up to. This was border-line destructive, and led at times to feelings of inadequacy and guilt. We've learned over the past 3 1/2 months that we are able to handle and manage so much more than we thought we could (especially Jenn, did you read the labor story?) and that we're not measured against what other babies have done and accomplished any more than parents want their teenagers and young-adult children measured against each other.
So first Jenn will be starting with nap training, then it will be on to overnight training. Please join us in prayer for Lincoln, that rest will become a natural thing for him and that he'll stop fighting sleep (sooner, rather than later).